Monday, January 19, 2009

How much happier can i get?

AH HA! who wants to read about my life anyways?

Before i start chanting about my all so interesting life. and the myriad of colour events that took place end of last year , start of this year.

I SHALL SHARE A FUCKING INTERESTING THOUGHT PROVOKING PARAGRAPH i read in this book. damn damn damn damn damn goood.

Remember the matrix? Waking up , alternate universe.
Mind and physical matter. Fake. Nothing but your conscious-ness living within your consciousness

So what the what?

"It seems that consciousness is the mechanism that collapses the wave function and brings the sub-atomic particle into being as opposed to just possible being there. These particles make up the objects we see around us: matter. It could be said , therefore , that consciousness creates matter."

What the fuck!?

So? our consciousness makes the subatomic particles that forms the basic of all basic atom possible?
Our conscious-self . collapse the wave function and makes the atom possible?
Our self-thought made the simplest of all particles the atom possible?

Confusing eh.

but heres the fascinating part!

So if our brains create matter.
Matter is there
not because its there
but because we think its there
like a placebo effect

So are we living within our own conscious?
interesting right?

Maybe we do exist as pure conscious-ness
Interacting with one another.

Matter like our computers and bmw.
They are just what our brain makes our of it. imagine attaining nirvana and waking up one day to find out that it was all fake. and you're just living in a world. all white pure white.
Of nothing-ness. and then what you have nothing. something becomes everything cause you've nothing. so whats the purpose of being?

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